

Warmly celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pustar

Two decades, one original intention.

In the past twenty years, Pustar has grown from a laboratory to two production bases covering a total area of ​​100,000 square meters. The independently developed and designed automated production lines have allowed the annual adhesive production capacity to break through from 10,000 tons to 100,000 tons. After the second phase of the project is completed and reaches capacity, Pustar's cumulative annual production capacity will reach 240,000 tons.

For twenty years, Pustar has always taken technological innovation as its internal driving force, constantly optimized production technology and product performance, and gradually achieved nationwide distribution and global distribution. Today, its products are exported to more than 100 countries including Malaysia, India, Russia, and Vietnam. countries and regions.

Recalling the 20 glorious years, Pustar can now firmly stand at the forefront of the industry. It is inseparable from the joint efforts of every Pustar person and the support and trust of customers and partners. Taking the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of its establishment, Pustar invited partners and friends from all over the world to gather together with all Pustar people to celebrate this historic moment!

With the theme of "Twenty years of hard work together, pursuing dreams and creating a better future" as the theme, Pustar's 20th anniversary celebration activities are mainly divided into factory expansion activities, visits and exchanges, forum summits, awards ceremonies and appreciation dinners.

In the rounds of competition, the contestants were not afraid of challenges, worked together, and each had their own clever tricks. The cheers, shouts, and laughter came one after another and continued continuously. This joy of achieving success through teamwork is contagious to everyone present.

Twenty years, in the long river of time, is just a blink of an eye, but for Pustar, it is one step at a time, growing up through word of mouth, and even more, one after another. It has grown with the support of partners.

At the beginning of the development summit, Mr. Ren Shaozhi, Chairman of Pustar, used his own entrepreneurial path as a guide to share his own and Pustar's growth process. He talked about whether individuals or enterprises should seek innovation and change while solidifying their foundations.  Subsequently, the sharing by Chief Technical Engineer Zhang Gong and Deputy Chief Product Engineer Ren Gong fully reflected Pustar’s competitive advantages in R&D and product services. We look forward to continuing to write a chapter of cooperation with you and our good friends in the future to create new products together. Growth points and new heights!

At this ceremony, Pustar presented many awards such as the Annual Values Nomination Award, Values Award, Outstanding Employee, Outstanding Manager, Chairman’s Special Award, and Ten-Year Contribution Award to set an example of struggle and convey core values.

As night fell, the thank-you dinner kicked off with a stunning lion dance performance. Chairman Pustar gave a toast to the dinner and brought the management team to express his gratitude to all the guests. The guests and friends raised their glasses to celebrate and shared the delicious food. Let’s talk about the future together.

During the dinner, the versatile Pustar presented an audio-visual feast to the attendees, and the venue burst into thunderous applause from time to time. The three-round rolling lottery made the guests enthusiastic and happy, pushing the atmosphere of the dinner to a climax.


Yesterday's glory is like the sun hanging in the sky, brilliant and dazzling; today's unity is like ten fingers forming a fist, and we are united into a city; I hope tomorrow's grand plan is like a Kunpeng spreading its wings and soaring into the sky. I wish Pustar will work together to create greater glory!

Post time: Sep-20-2023